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bin Laden

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Semnificații pentru bin Laden

Arab terrorist who established al-Qaeda (born in 1957)

Sinonime pentru bin Laden

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Florida governor compares reopening schools during coronavirus pandemic to U.S. military raid that killed Osama bin Laden
Ascultă Florida governor compares reopening schools during coronavirus pandemic to U.S. military raid that killed Osama bin Laden pronunția
WH Chief Mark Meadows Forgets Osama Bin Laden, Claims Trump First POTUS Who ‘Went After A Terrorist And Took Him Out’
Ascultă WH Chief Mark Meadows Forgets Osama Bin Laden, Claims Trump First POTUS Who ‘Went After A Terrorist And Took Him Out’ pronunția
Florida's GOP governor compares reopening schools to the raid that killed bin Laden
Ascultă Florida's GOP governor compares reopening schools to the raid that killed bin Laden pronunția
This Republican governor just compared kids going back to school to killing Osama bin Laden
Ascultă This Republican governor just compared kids going back to school to killing Osama bin Laden pronunția
Trump is acting like an ‘autocrat’ with his attacks on Post Office: Admiral who oversaw bin Laden raid
Ascultă Trump is acting like an ‘autocrat’ with his attacks on Post Office: Admiral who oversaw bin Laden raid pronunția
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Trend știri despre bin Laden

Ex-Navy SEAL who claims he killed Osama bin Laden tweets, then deletes, maskless selfie aboard flight
Ascultă Ex-Navy SEAL who claims he killed Osama bin Laden tweets, then deletes, maskless selfie aboard flight pronunția
This story contains explicit language** He went to war to fight for his country … but won’t wear a mask during a pandemic? Former Navy SEAL Robert O’Neill, who claims to have fired the shots..Vezi articolul
TribLIVE.com TribLIVE.com
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis likens reopening schools to killing Osama bin Laden
Ascultă Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis likens reopening schools to killing Osama bin Laden pronunția
KEY WORDS “Just as the SEALs surmounted obstacles to bring Osama bin Laden to justice, so too would the Martin County School system find a way to provide parents with a me..Vezi articolul
MarketWatch on MSN.com MarketWatch on MSN.com
Teachers in court, students in quarantine, and Osama bin Laden: Florida goes back to school
Ascultă Teachers in court, students in quarantine, and Osama bin Laden: Florida goes back to school pronunția
Circuit Court Judge Charles Dodson on Thursday said he will decide Friday whether to dismiss the case, which was brought against the state by the Florida Education Association, a teachers un..Vezi articolul
Politico Politico
Florida Governor Compares Reopening Schools During Pandemic to Killing Osama bin Laden
Ascultă Florida Governor Compares Reopening Schools During Pandemic to Killing Osama bin Laden pronunția
No amount of re-reading or re-listening to Ron DeSantis' comments will make them make sense. DeSantis, of course, is a governor of the Trump-loving variety.
Complex Complex
Ron DeSantis compares the reopening of Florida schools to the Navy SEAL operation that killed Osama bin Laden
Ascultă Ron DeSantis compares the reopening of Florida schools to the Navy SEAL operation that killed Osama bin Laden pronunția
Despite the worries of health officials, some school districts in Florida — a state where more than 8500 people have died from coronavirus — have started reopening. Far-right Republican Gov...Vezi articolul
The Raw Story The Raw Story
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