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Aflați cum se pronunță Ellana


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Pronunție de Ellana cu 4 audio pronunții
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Ortografia fonetică a Ellana

Ella nah

Semnificații pentru Ellana

It is a Hebrew-originated feminine name that means Light.

Wiki conținut pentru Ellana

Ella (name) - In Greek mythology, Ella (Greek: Ἕλλα) was the daughter of Athamas and Nephele. The name may be a cognate with Hellas (Greek: Ἑλλάς), the Greek name for Greece, which said to have been origin
Ella Naper - Ella Louise Naper, (née Champion), (9 February 1886 – 1972) was an English jeweller, potter, designer and painter.
Elland Road - Elland Road is a football stadium in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, which has been the home of Leeds United since the club's formation in 1919. The stadium is the 14th largest football stadi
Ellan Vannin football team - The Ellan Vannin Football Team is a football team that represents the Isle of Man. It is not affiliated with FIFA or UEFA, and therefore cannot compete for the FIFA World Cup or in the UEFA E
Ellamae Ellis League - Ellamae Ellis League, (July 9, 1899 – March 4, 1991) was an American architect, the fourth woman registered architect in Georgia and "one of Georgia and the South's most prominent female arc
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Traduceri de Ellana

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meh-reeuhn kowtee-aard
meh-ree-uhn kow-tee-aard
meh-REE-uhn kow-teeaard
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