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Semnificații pentru francophone

It is an adjective term that means "belonging to a population that uses French as its first language".
Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "francophone" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Cultural project preserves francophone history through local newspaper
Ascultă Cultural project preserves francophone history through local newspaper pronunția
The Francophone University Agency opens an employability center to support young graduates’ journey towards professional insertion
Ascultă The Francophone University Agency opens an employability center to support young graduates’ journey towards professional insertion pronunția
Nederlands, AUB: Brussels communes criticised for Francophone bias
Ascultă Nederlands, AUB: Brussels communes criticised for Francophone bias pronunția
University of Sudbury one step closer to fully Francophone institution
Ascultă University of Sudbury one step closer to fully Francophone institution pronunția
MPP West to host Francophone town hall on LU midwifery cuts
Ascultă MPP West to host Francophone town hall on LU midwifery cuts pronunția
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de francophone

Trend știri despre francophone

Media Advisory - The Government of Canada to Announce Funding for the Francophone Cultural Community in Northern Ontario
Ascultă Media Advisory - The Government of Canada to Announce Funding for the Francophone Cultural Community in Northern Ontario pronunția
The Government of Canada supports the Francophone community in Timmins by investing in the reconstruction of the Centre culturel La Ronde, a major Franco-Ontarian institution
image-unavailable Yahoo Finance
Inaugural Cairo Francophone Film Festival to launch in December
Ascultă Inaugural Cairo Francophone Film Festival to launch in December pronunția
Egypt's culture ministry has announced the launch of the new Cairo Francophone Film Festival (CFFF), scheduled to take place between 10 and 14 December 2020. The CFFF was founded and is pres..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable Hebdo Ahram
Ontario and Québec Celebrate Excellence in the Francophone Business Community
Ascultă Ontario and Québec Celebrate Excellence in the Francophone Business Community pronunția
TORONTO — Building on the success of the Ontario-Québec bilateral meeting last summer, both provincial governments are delivering on their promise to support Francophone and bilingual busine..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable Ontario News
Supporting Francophone Arts Presentation in Manitoba's Rural Communities
Ascultă Supporting Francophone Arts Presentation in Manitoba's Rural Communities pronunția
The arts and cultural sector is a source of inspiration and pride, particularly in these uncertain and isolating times. Rural arts presenters play an even more important role by bringing peo..Vezi articolul
Yahoo Finance Yahoo Finance
Francophone Club
Ascultă Francophone Club pronunția
The Francophone Club is an organization whose mission is to promote the learning of the French language and develop a greater awareness and deeper appreciation for worldwide Francophone cult..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable California Lutheran University
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myeoo - nwik
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