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Aflați cum se pronunță gov't


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Semnificații pentru gov't

It is an American rock band that received immense recognition for the song "Mule".

Wiki conținut pentru gov't

Exemple de într-o propoziție

UPDATE 1-Tokyo governor says will ask gov't for emergency measures to stem COVID-19 rise
Ascultă UPDATE 1-Tokyo governor says will ask gov't for emergency measures to stem COVID-19 rise pronunția
New clique of Erdoğan advisers take control at pro-gov't Anadolu news agency
Ascultă New clique of Erdoğan advisers take control at pro-gov't Anadolu news agency pronunția
Gov't providing $126m to help J'cans in need during weekend lockdowns
Ascultă Gov't providing $126m to help J'cans in need during weekend lockdowns pronunția
Okinawa Pref. to request Japan gov't implement virus quasi-emergency in 9 cities
Ascultă Okinawa Pref. to request Japan gov't implement virus quasi-emergency in 9 cities pronunția
First batch of gov't procured antigen test kits arrives in PH
Ascultă First batch of gov't procured antigen test kits arrives in PH pronunția
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Trend știri despre gov't

Gov't opts not to resume Go To Travel program until at least June
Ascultă Gov't opts not to resume Go To Travel program until at least June pronunția
"But tourism minister Kazuyoshi Akaba indicated Wednesday the government will keep suspending the subsidy program for a few more weeks given the recent upward trend in infections." In a few..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable Japan Today
UPDATE 1-Tokyo governor says will ask gov't for emergency measures to stem COVID-19 rise
Ascultă UPDATE 1-Tokyo governor says will ask gov't for emergency measures to stem COVID-19 rise pronunția
Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said on Thursday she would ask the central government to impose emergency measures in the capital region to stem a surge of COVID-19 infections. Koike made the co..Vezi articolul
YAHOO!Finance YAHOO!Finance
New clique of Erdoğan advisers take control at pro-gov't Anadolu news agency
Ascultă New clique of Erdoğan advisers take control at pro-gov't Anadolu news agency pronunția
Turkey’s state-run Anadolu news agency, which turned 101 years old this week, saw a massive overhaul on Wednesday after the director and his team were purged at a corporate board meeting. Şe..Vezi articolul
ahvalnews ahvalnews
Gov't providing $126m to help J'cans in need during weekend lockdowns
Ascultă Gov't providing $126m to help J'cans in need during weekend lockdowns pronunția
Finance Minister Dr Nigel Clarke yesterday said the Government will be providing aggregate spending of $126 million to central and local government representatives to assist constituents dur..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable The Jamaica Observer
Okinawa Pref. to request Japan gov't implement virus quasi-emergency in 9 cities
Ascultă Okinawa Pref. to request Japan gov't implement virus quasi-emergency in 9 cities pronunția
NAHA -- Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki revealed on April 9 that he intends to request that the Japanese government implement quasi-emergency measures against the coronavirus in nine cities on the..Vezi articolul
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Știri

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Care este pronunția exactă a numelui Kurt lewin?

kuhtq lowo - iwn
kuqht looee - ine
kuht loo - in
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