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Semnificații pentru Nacirema

Aangeleerd gedrag, cultureel bepaald
Culture, learned behavior, doing stuff because you are supposed to

Wiki conținut pentru Nacirema

Nacirema - Nacirema ("American" spelled backwards) is a term used in anthropology and sociology in relation to aspects of the behavior and society of citizens of the United States of America.
Nacirema Club - The Nacirema Club is a social club located at 6118 30th Street in Detroit, Michigan; it was the first African American social club in Michigan.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Column: The odd traditions of the Nacirema: football
Ascultă Column: The odd traditions of the Nacirema: football pronunția
Bayonne-based Nacirema Industries files for bankruptcy with debts of $11.9 million
Ascultă Bayonne-based Nacirema Industries files for bankruptcy with debts of $11.9 million pronunția
Column: How to greet the Nacirema
Ascultă Column: How to greet the Nacirema pronunția
What is the central idea of a body ritual among the Nacirema?
Ascultă What is the central idea of a body ritual among the Nacirema? pronunția
Modell's holds off Nacirema in Bayonne Cal Ripken Baseball Major Division playoff game
Ascultă Modell's holds off Nacirema in Bayonne Cal Ripken Baseball Major Division playoff game pronunția
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Trend știri despre Nacirema

'Nacirema' delights with warmth and wit
Ascultă 'Nacirema' delights with warmth and wit pronunția
The Ensemble Theatre's thoroughly winning, season-opening production of Pearl Cleage's "The Nacirema Society" succeeds on both points. It's always intriguing to discover a social enclave sel..Vezi articolul
Houston Chronicle Houston Chronicle
Humour leavens James Franco's art show 'Psycho Nacirema' that takes a dark look at Hitchcock classic
If you want to see Franco in a dress you’ll have to visit his multimedia installation Psycho Nacirema at the Pace Gallery in Soho. The exhibition, curated by his friend, the Turner prize-win..Vezi articolul
The Independent The Independent
Alliance Theatre Presents THE NACIREMA SOCIETY, 10/27
Ascultă Alliance Theatre Presents THE NACIREMA SOCIETY, 10/27 pronunția
ALLIANCE THEATRE artistic director Susan V. Booth and New York Times best-selling author Pearl Cleage collaborate this fall on the world premiere of The Nacirema Society Requests the Honor o..Vezi articolul
BroadwayWorld BroadwayWorld
What can the Nacirema teach us?
Ascultă What can the Nacirema teach us? pronunția
The ‘Body Ritual Among the Nacirema’ is an academic article from 1956 describing the rituals of a ‘North American group’ . Do read it if you have not come across it before; it will take abou..Vezi articolul
Medium Medium
Get ready to laugh as society meets scandal in New Venture Theatre's production of 'The Nacirema Society'
Ascultă Get ready to laugh as society meets scandal in New Venture Theatre's production of 'The Nacirema Society' pronunția
New Venture Theatre's production of "The Nacirema Society" opens Friday, Aug. 25, in the Studio Theatre at the LSU Music and Dramatic Arts Building, marking the final show in the company's 2..Vezi articolul
The Advocate The Advocate
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