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Ortografia fonetică a Newlyn


Semnificații pentru Newlyn

A town that is situated in England, which has a minimal population density.

Wiki conținut pentru Newlyn

Newlyn - Newlyn (Cornish: Lulyn: Lu 'fleet', Lynn/Lydn 'pool') is a seaside town and fishing port in south-west Cornwall, UK.Newlyn lies on the shore of Mount's Bay and forms a small conurbation with
Newlyn Copper - Newlyn Copper was a class of arts and crafts copperware originating in Newlyn in Cornwall.
Newlyn riots - The Newlyn riots occurred in Newlyn, Cornwall, UK in May 1896. Cornish fishermen did not believe in landing fish on a Sunday, so other fleets exploited their opportunity.
Newlyn RFC - Newlyn RFC was a rugby football club formed in 1894 (or 1895) and based in Newlyn, Cornwall, UK. They played their final match in December 1939 and amalgamated with Penzance RFC in 1944 to fo
Newlyn School - The Newlyn School was an art colony of artists based in or near Newlyn, a fishing village adjacent to Penzance, on the south coast of Cornwall, from the 1880s until the early twentieth centur
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