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Aflați cum se pronunță ragnar nurkse
ragnar nurkse

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Semnificații pentru ragnar nurkse
A popular Estonian economist is known for his book Problems of capital formation in underdeveloped countries.
Wiki conținut pentru ragnar nurkse
Exemple de într-o propoziție
Problems of Capital Formation in Under-developed Countries, by Ragnar Nurkse; The Progress of Underdeveloped Areas, ed. by Bert

Ragnar Nurkse: Trade and Development

RAGNAR NURKSE, ECONOMIST, DEAD; Professor at Columbia Since 1947 Had Served League of Nations 12 Years

Ragnar Nurkse (1907-2007): Classical Development Economics and its Relevance for Today

Trend știri despre ragnar nurkse
Ragnar Nurkse (1907-2007): Classical Development Economics and its Relevance for Today

NURKSE (Ragnar), économiste américain (1907–1959). Il a particulièrement étudié la croissance dans les pays sous-développés et les problèmes monétaires internationaux. Il prône la diversific..Vezi articolul
RAGNAR NURKSE, ECONOMIST, DEAD; Professor at Columbia Since 1947 Had Served League of Nations 12 Years

TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the full text of this articl..Vezi articolul
New York Times
Ragnar Nurkse: Trade and Development

Ragnar Nurkse (1907–1957) belongs to the handful of economic thinkers associated with early or high development theory, also referred to as classical development economics or pioneers of dev..Vezi articolul
Problems of Capital Formation in Under-developed Countries, by Ragnar Nurkse; The Progress of Underdeveloped Areas, ed. by Bert

In the meantime, Professor Ragnar Nurske, of Columbia University ... or any other, social factor. Professor Nurkse, who is a leading economist, quite deliberately stops short on the borders..Vezi articolul

Adauga ragnar nurkse detalii
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