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Aflați cum se pronunță Roopam


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Semnificații pentru Roopam

A feminine name that is of Indian origin and it means Beauty.

Wiki conținut pentru Roopam

Roopam Sharma - Roopam Sharma, (born 24 May 1995) is an Indian scientist. He is best known for his work on Manovue, a technology which enables the visually impaired to read printed text.
Roopa Ganguly - Roopa Ganguly (born 25 November 1966) is an Indian actress, playback singer and politician. She is best known for her rendition of Draupadi in B R Chopra's hit television series Mahabharat (1
Roopal Tyagi - Roopal Tyagi, (born 6 October 1989 in Mumbai), is an Indian choreographer and television actor. She is known for playing Gunjan in the popular Zee TV show Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke.
Roopa Rao - Roopa Rao is an independent Indian film-maker from Bangalore, a writer-director of India's first same-sex love story web series, The Other Love Story (2016).
Roopak Saluja - Roopak Saluja (born 25 July 1975) is an Indian media businessman and angel investor. He is the founder and chief executive officer of The 120 Media Collective - a communications & content gro
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Traduceri de Roopam

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Sinonime pentru Roopam
Antonime pentru Roopam
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