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Aflați cum se pronunță stanislaw


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Ortografia fonetică a stanislaw


Semnificații pentru stanislaw

A masculine name of Polish origin that means 'become glory'. A notable person by the name is Stanisław Lem, is a polish writer.

Wiki conținut pentru stanislaw

Stanisław August Poniatowski - Stanisław II Augustus (also Stanisław August Poniatowski; born Stanisław Antoni Poniatowski; 17 January 1732 – 12 February 1798), who reigned as King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania fro
Stanisław Lem - Stanisław Herman Lem (Polish: [staˈɲiswaf ˈlɛm] (listen); 12 or 13 September 1921 – 27 March 2006) was a Polish writer of science fiction, philosophy, and satire, and a trained physician.
Stanislaw Ulam - Stanisław Marcin Ulam ([stä'ɲiswäf 'märt͡ɕin 'uläm]; 13 April 1909 – 13 May 1984) was a Polish scientist in the fields of mathematics and nuclear physics.
Stanislav Grof - Stanislav "Stan" Grof (born July 1, 1931) is a Czech psychiatrist, one of the founders of the field of transpersonal psychology and a researcher into the use of non-ordinary states of conscio
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

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Ascultă STELMACH, Zbignew Stanislaw | Death Notices | Melbourne ... pronunția

Traduceri de stanislaw

Trend știri despre stanislaw

STELMACH, Zbignew Stanislaw | Death Notices | Melbourne ...
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It is a reasonable assumption that for as long as human beings have walked the earth, love has blossomed. The Sound of Music star dead at 91 Christopher Plummer, the award-winning actor best..Vezi articolul
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9780853318705: Passion and Paradox: The Art of Stanislaw ...
Ascultă 9780853318705: Passion and Paradox: The Art of Stanislaw ... pronunția
Passion and Paradox is the first book to address the life and work of Stanislaw Frenkiel (1918-2001), a painter dedicated to figurative expression. His studies began in Cracow, his home city..Vezi articolul
AbeBooks AbeBooks
Stanislaw replicates olofmeister "hot defuse" in BLAST Spring
Ascultă Stanislaw replicates olofmeister "hot defuse" in BLAST Spring pronunția
Olof " olofmeister " Kajbjer's "hot defuse" for Fnatic against Team Dignitas in the 2014 ESL One Cologne Major is the greatest example of this. The "Olof on fire" defuse hasn't been truly im..Vezi articolul

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kurh - zran
rkuh - zuian
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