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Aflați cum se pronunță welcome

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Ortografia fonetică a welcome
wel-kuh m
Semnificații pentru welcome
An Indian comedy film, which was directed by Anees Bazmee and was released in the year 2007.
welcome tourists

welcome visitors

welcome guest

welcome change

Sinonime pentru welcome
Wiki conținut pentru welcome
Exemple de într-o propoziție
Sydney welcomes home the Australian Olympic Team

Darfur declares Swedish Foreign Minister unwelcome

Serie A 2008–09: Inter Milan hire Mourinho as new Head Coach

RSA: cautious welcome to Stern Review

Toronto Comicon 2019 welcomes fans with celebrities, creativity, cosplay

Traduceri de welcome
Arabic :
مرحبا بك
Chinese :
Spanish :
Portuguese :
Indonesian :
selamat datang
Trend știri despre welcome
The need for food is still high, as local food pantries welcome back needed volunteers

It would take an army to feed all of those who need food in Central Texas, especially during the pandemic. However, as restrictions loosen, more and more food pantry volunteers are coming ba..Vezi articolul
KXXV News Channel 25
Kansas City Museum prepares to welcome back visitors this fall

The countdown is on to the reopening of the Kansas City Museum. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted a massive renovation and restoration project. But it's back on track and preparing for visitor..Vezi articolul

How Giannis gave Wiseman his welcome to the NBA moment

Wiseman stepped on an NBA court with only a handful of college games to his name, and mostly high school experience in his past. The rookie immediately showed his sky-high potential in the s..Vezi articolul
NBC Sports
Welcome to Miami: Ray J and his wife are the Magic City’s latest celeb transplants

Ray J announced that he’s making a fresh start in Miami. Back in February, the rapper born William Ray Norwood Jr. told TMZ gave a reason why he and his wife Princess Love were relocating fr..Vezi articolul
Miami Herald
Waterfront businesses get welcome rush of traffic during holiday weekend

The holiday weekend proved to be a big success for many central Indiana businesses, especially those along the water. Boat rentals are booked and restaurants are packed on Geist Reservoir.
FOX59 News
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