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Aflați cum se pronunță Aamer


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Ortografia fonetică a Aamer


Semnificații pentru Aamer

Prince or King of some Kingdom
It is an Arabic feminine name.

Wiki conținut pentru Aamer

Aamer - Aamer or Amer is a name, used both as a surname and given name. Notable people with the name include:
Aamer Sohail - Mohammad Aamer Sohail Ali (Urdu: محمد عامر سہیل علی‎; born 14 September 1966) is a Pakistani cricket commentator and former cricketer.
Aamer Anwar - Aamer Anwar (born 30 December 1967) is a Scottish-based lawyer of Pakistani background, and the current Rector of the University of Glasgow.
Aamer Rahman - Aamer Rahman (Bengali: আমার রহমান; born 17 October 1982) is an Australian stand-up comedian of Bangladeshi descent.
Aamir Kaleem - Syed Aamir Kaleem (born 20 November 1981) is an Omani cricketer. Born and raised in Pakistan, Aamir made his debut for the Omani national side in April 2010, aged 28, and has played regularly
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Shaker Aamer: The man about to leave Guantanamo Bay
Ascultă Shaker Aamer: The man about to leave Guantanamo Bay pronunția
Shaker Aamer, longtime Guantanamo Bay detainee, to be freed to Britain
Ascultă Shaker Aamer, longtime Guantanamo Bay detainee, to be freed to Britain pronunția
Shaker Aamer, last British resident held at Guantanamo Bay, thanks supporters after landing back in UK
Ascultă Shaker Aamer, last British resident held at Guantanamo Bay, thanks supporters after landing back in UK pronunția
Shaker Aamer lands back in UK after 14 years in Guantánamo Bay
Ascultă Shaker Aamer lands back in UK after 14 years in Guantánamo Bay pronunția
Shaker Aamer reunited with children as he is released from Guantanamo Bay
Ascultă Shaker Aamer reunited with children as he is released from Guantanamo Bay pronunția
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Traduceri de Aamer

Trend știri despre Aamer

Shaker Aamer: The man about to leave Guantanamo Bay
Ascultă Shaker Aamer: The man about to leave Guantanamo Bay pronunția
Shaker Aamer is the last British resident in a prison cell in Guantanamo Bay. And for the majority of that time, Detainee 239, to use his official number, has been held despite being cleared..Vezi articolul
PETER OBORNE on Shaker Aamer the man who could expose UK's dirtiest secrets
Last Friday, the Daily Mail campaign to free Shaker Aamer, the last remaining British resident in Guantanamo Bay, finally bore fruit. For Mr Aamer's wife Zin Siddique and their four children..Vezi articolul
dailymail.co.uk dailymail.co.uk
Shaker Aamer, longtime Guantanamo Bay detainee, to be freed to Britain
Ascultă Shaker Aamer, longtime Guantanamo Bay detainee, to be freed to Britain pronunția
The Obama administration has notified Congress of its intent to send Shaker Aamer, a suspected al-Qaeda plotter held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for more than 13 years, back to Britain, yieldin..Vezi articolul
The Washington Post The Washington Post
Shaker Aamer, last British resident held at Guantanamo Bay, thanks supporters after landing back in UK
Ascultă Shaker Aamer, last British resident held at Guantanamo Bay, thanks supporters after landing back in UK pronunția
Shaker Aamer, 46, whose wife and children live in London, was released earlier from the US military facility in Cuba and was aboard a Gulfstream IV jet which landed at Biggin Hill airport in..Vezi articolul
The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph
Shaker Aamer lands back in UK after 14 years in Guantánamo Bay
Ascultă Shaker Aamer lands back in UK after 14 years in Guantánamo Bay pronunția
Shaker Aamer, released after 14 years incarcerated at Guantánamo Bay where he was beaten by his American military jailers, has touched down on British soil at Biggin Hill airport in south-ea..Vezi articolul
The Guardian The Guardian
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