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Aflați cum se pronunță acolyte

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Ortografia fonetică a acolyte
Semnificații pentru acolyte
someone who assists a priest or minister in a liturgical service; a cleric ordained in the highest of the minor orders in the Roman Catholic Church but not in the Anglican Church or the Eastern Orthodox Churches
Sinonime pentru acolyte
Exemple de într-o propoziție
He is probably the William Barbour who was ordained acolyte by Bishop Fleming of Lincoln on the 21st of April 1420 and sub - deacon on the 21st of January 1421; and as William Barbour, otherwise Waynflete of Spalding, was ordained deacon on the 18th of March 1421, and priest on the 21st of January
The official dress of the acolyte, according to Ordo V., was a close-fitting linen garment (camisia) girt about him, a napkin hanging from the left side, a white tunic, a stole (orarium) and a chasuble (planeta) which he took off when he sang on the steps of the ambone.
Risible nature of my enquiries, he holds all the cards and knows it, I am a green acolyte.
The Statuta Ecclesiae Antigua (falsely called the Canons of the Fourth Council of Carthage in 397), a Gallican collection, originating in the province of Arles at the beginning of the 6th century, mentions the acolyte, but does not give, as in the case of the other orders, any form for the ordinatio
The duties of the acolyte, as given in the Roman Pontifical, are identical with those mentioned in the Statuta Ecclesiae Antigua of Arles: It is the duty of acolytes to carry the candlesticks, to light the lamps of the church, to administer wine and water for the Eucharist.
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