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Aflați cum se pronunță act

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Ortografia fonetică a act
Semnificații pentru act
something that people do or cause to happen
a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body
a subdivision of a play or opera or ballet
a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
act quickly
Wiki conținut pentru act
Exemple de într-o propoziție
Disney prohibits LGBT production of Sister Act

U.S. House votes to renew expiring Patriot Act

U.S. Justice Department says FBI misused Patriot Act

Amended USA Freedom Act draws questions from civil liberties groups

Three inmates commit suicide at Guantanamo detention facility

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Trend știri despre act
With infrastructure bill vote, some Republicans acknowledge climate change dangers. Will they act to stop them?

As Democrats and climate activists push for far more sweeping action, there appears to be scant willingness among Republicans on Capitol Hill to go much further in addressing the root causes..Vezi articolul
The Boston Globe on MSN.com
‘Our work isn’t done’ - Warren, Markey say $1 trillion infrastructure package just the opening act

The two Democratic US senators from Massachusetts said Tuesday that the trillion-dollar infrastructure bill passed by the upper chamber is a good first step as the nation works to shore up i..Vezi articolul
The Boston Globe on MSN.com
Restarting Calgary's performing arts scene a careful balancing act

As the province continues its recovery after more than a year of shut downs and restrictions, one sector that’s taking it slow is the performing arts.
cbc.ca on MSN.com
CRN Denounces FDA Rejection of New Dietary Ingredient Notifications for Hemp Extract Containing CBD, Urges Congress to Act

The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), the leading trade association for the dietary supplement and functional food industry, today denounced FDA’s rejection of two new dietary ingredi..Vezi articolul
The Energy Sector Innovation Credit Act is an industry game-changer

The Energy Sector Innovation Credit Act is a smart, technology-neutral solution that will help bring breakthrough, emissions-reducing technologies to market, and it is bipartisan.
The Hill on MSN.com
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