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ipa : ˈædmæn
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Ortografia fonetică a adman


Semnificații pentru adman

someone whose business is advertising

Sinonime pentru adman

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Conservative commentator and former adman Rowan Dean is to give up his regular weekly column in the Australian Financial Review after taking on the editorship of The Spectator Australia magazine
Ascultă Conservative commentator and former adman Rowan Dean is to give up his regular weekly column in the Australian Financial Review after taking on the editorship of The Spectator Australia magazine pronunția
Adman David Johns manages to sell 1999 Holden Barina for DOUBLE its value
Adman-writer Prasoon Joshi hails the budget presented by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley
Prasoon Joshi, adman, lyricist, and Executive Chairman and CEO at McCann Worldgroup, head the prestigious Titanium jury at the Cannes Advertising Festival
New Delhi, July 10 (IANS) Adman-writer Prasoon Joshi Thursday hailed the budget presented by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley for this fiscal saying it has "realistically touched upon many important sectors and segments"

Traduceri de adman

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Antonime pentru adman

Cum se pronunță Jessica chastain?

jehsuh-kuh chas-tayn
jeh-SUH-kuh chas-tayn
jeh-suh-kuh cha-stayn
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