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Aflați cum se pronunță apologist


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ipa : əˈpɒləʤɪst
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Ortografia fonetică a apologist


Semnificații pentru apologist

a person who argues to defend or justify some policy or institution

Sinonime pentru apologist

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

But hereafter it may not prove possible for the apologist to assume as unchallenged the Christian moral outlook.
an apologist for capital punishment
The subsequent history of the bank left it without an apologist, and prejudiced the whole later judgment about it.
Lydgate's most doughty and learned apologist is Dr Schick, whose preface to the Temple of Glass embodies practically all that is known or conjectured concerning this author, including the chronological order of his works.
The apologist must maintain (I) that Jesus of Nazareth is a real historical figure - a point well-nigh overlooked by Strauss, and denied by some modern advocates of a mythical theory; (2) that Jesus is knowable (not one of whom we really know very little - B.
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