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Ortografia fonetică a arteria


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A leading Indian Software company is located in Bengaluru, Karnataka.

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Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "arteria" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Wiki conținut pentru arteria

Artery - An artery (plural arteries) (from Greek ἀρτηρία (artēria), meaning 'windpipe, artery') is a blood vessel that takes blood away from the heart to all parts of the body (tissues, lungs, etc.)
Arterial blood gas test - An arterial-blood gas (ABG) test measures the amounts of arterial gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Arterial tree - In anatomy, arterial tree is used to refer to all arteries and/or the branching pattern of the arteries.
Arterial roads in Whitehorse, Yukon - Arterial roads in Whitehorse, Yukon include:
Arterial spin labelling - Arterial spin labeling (ASL), also known as arterial spin tagging, is a magnetic resonance imaging technique used to quantify cerebral blood perfusion by labelling blood water as it flows thr
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Two years later Nitzsch, who was indefatigable in his endeavour to discover the natural families of birds and had been pursuing a series of researches into their vascular system, published the result, at Halle in Saxony, in his Observationes de avium arteria carotide communi, in which is included a
CAMBRIDGE, Inglaterra, July 29, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- - PlaqueTec se asegura la Marca CE para su sistema de biopsia líquida como dispositivo revolucionario para la recopilación de información biológica nueva de la arteria coronaria enferma  PlaqueTec
Operan a Julio Humberto Grondona: Sufrió una rotura en la arteria aorta
Something To Consider Before Buying Atlas Arteria Limited (ASX:ALX) For The 3.8% Dividend
Consider This Before Buying Atlas Arteria Limited (ASX:ALX) For The 3.6% Dividend
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Traduceri de arteria

Trend știri despre arteria

Consider This Before Buying Atlas Arteria Limited (ASX:ALX) For The 3.6% Dividend
Historically, Atlas Arteria Limited (ASX:ALX) has paid dividends to shareholders, and these days it yields 3.6%. Should it have a place in your portfolio? Let’s take a look at Atlas Arteria..Vezi articolul
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Skin in the game - Atlas Arteria, Blackmores, IPH & Donaco
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Arteria defaced by posters
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Atlas Arteria's road to growth
Who said toll roads were low growth and boring? Atlas Arteria's management expects the company to pay a total dividend of 30 cents in 2019 - up 25%. What's more, this didn't require any acco..Vezi articolul
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