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Aflați cum se pronunță ascending


Ascultă ascending pronunția
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Pronunție de ascending cu 3 audio pronunții
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Ascultă ascending pronunția 3
38 opiniile
IPA și ortografie Fonetică
ipa : əˈsendɪŋ əˈsendɪŋ
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Ortografia fonetică a ascending


Semnificații pentru ascending

the act of changing location in an upward direction
ascending aorta
Ascultă ascending aorta pronunția
ascending sort
Ascultă ascending sort pronunția

Sinonime pentru ascending

Antonime pentru ascending

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "ascending" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

San Jose replaces Detroit as 10th-largest U.S. city
Ascultă San Jose replaces Detroit as 10th-largest U.S. city pronunția
At least seven mountaineers die while climbing K2
Ascultă At least seven mountaineers die while climbing K2 pronunția
Again, during the winter months pressure is relatively high over North America, Western Eurasia and the Arctic regions; hence vast quantities of air are brought down to the surface, and circulation must be kept up by ascending currents over the ocean.
Almost his first act on ascending the throne was publicly to insult his consort, the amiable Charlotte Amelia of Hesse-Cassel, by introducing into court, as his officially recognized mistress, Amelia Moth, a girl of sixteen, the daughter of his former tutor, whom he made countess of Samsd.
21: - Prerogative Instances, Supports of Induction, Rectification of Induction, Varying the Investigation according to the Nature of the Subject, Prerogative Natures, Limits of Investigation, Application to Practice, Preparations for Investigation, the Ascending and Descending Scale of Axioms. The r
Ascultă 21: - Prerogative Instances, Supports of Induction, Rectification of Induction, Varying the Investigation according to the Nature of the Subject, Prerogative Natures, Limits of Investigation, Application to Practice, Preparations for Investigation, the Ascending and Descending Scale of Axioms. The r pronunția

Traduceri de ascending

Cum se pronunță Taylor Swift?

teil-r swi-ft
te-ilr swif-t
tei-lr swift
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