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ipa : əˈθwɔːt
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Semnificații pentru athwart

across; in opposition to; sideways; transversely

Sinonime pentru athwart

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Two divisions under Di Giorgio had been dispatched to hold this line, but their march, at right angles to the line of the retreat and athwart the long streams of retiring troops and civilians, had been very difficult.
In the same north-westerly to south-easterly direction and belonging to the same series of later transverse upheavals are the Ferghana Mountains, which shut in the plain of Ferghana on the north-east, thus running athwart the radiating ranges of the central Tian-shan.
Boulder-clays and sands, and gravels rearranged by water, occur throughout the lowlands; while the eskers or green hills, characteristic grasscovered ridges of gravel, rise from the great plain, or run athwart valleys and over hill-sides, marking the courses of sub-glacial streams. When the super
In the spring freshets it is a magnificent stream, but in summer its volume greatly shrinks, and it is normally a broad, shallow, sluggish, stream, flowing through interlacing channels among the sand-bars it heaps athwart its course.
The master streams of the present have inherited their channels from the drainage systems of the Cretaceous lowland, and though raised athwart the courses of the lowland trunk streams the great arch was developed so slowly that these channels could be maintained through pari passu deepening.

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Care este pronunția exactă a numelui Ozzie smith?

aaw-ze smidh
av-see zmith
aw-zee smith
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