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Aflați cum se pronunță auditorium

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Ortografia fonetică a auditorium
aw-di-tawr-ee-uh m
Semnificații pentru auditorium
An indoor or outdoor area made up of a stage in front of multiple rows of seats where performances and speeches are held.
Sinonime pentru auditorium
Wiki conținut pentru auditorium
Exemple de într-o propoziție
CLLAW XIX Set for Logan Square Auditorium Tonight
Chicago to play Ryman Auditorium
And of the whole 230 ft., so that it is a building of considerable size; the stage is well preserved and so are parts of the external arcades of the auditorium.
The auditorium is little less perfect than that of Aspendus and very nearly as large; but the scena wall has collapsed over stage and proscenium in a cataract of loose blocks.
Kevin Costner Performs Before A Sold Out Crowd At Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium

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Trend știri despre auditorium
Netflix star, Peabody winner Hasan Minhaj will give keynote speech at IU Auditorium Dec. 6

Minhaj is known for his award-winning comedy show “Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj,” his Netflix comedy special “Hasan Minhaj: Homecoming King” and his work on “The Daily
Indiana Daily Student
Eighth-annual Valley’s Got Talent set for Sunday at Steubenville High School auditorium

The eighth-annual “Valley’s Got Talent” competition will feature 20 vocalists, choirs, bands, dancers and instrumentalists competing for $1,200 in prize money. The competition will be held S..Vezi articolul
Herald Star
W’town dedicates Middle/High School Auditorium

Williamstown Middle/High School held a dedication ceremony Friday for its new auditorium. Jason Ward, Principal of Williamstown Middle/High School, welcomed the audience with a short speech..Vezi articolul
The Marietta Times
Grease at North Grand Auditorium in Charles City on Nov. 5

Come watch Charles City High School Drama Department perform "Grease" on Friday, Nov. 5 at 7 p.m. at the North Grand Auditorium, located at 500 North Grand Avenue. There will
Globe Gazette
Alburnett schools getting new classrooms, auditorium and gym

Remodeled classrooms for the industrial technology program, Family and Consumer Science, agriculture and business in the main building and a multipurpose building with a full-size gym will b..Vezi articolul
The Gazette
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