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Aflați cum se pronunță augury


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Pronunție de augury cu 2 audio pronunții
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ipa : ˈɔːgjʊrɪ
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Semnificații pentru augury

A sign that something is going to happen.
an event that is experienced as indicating important things to come

Sinonime pentru augury

Antonime pentru augury

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Inviolate, from health, well-being, or from good-omen, augury.
It was during his stay in Asia (20 B.C.) that the Parthian king Phraates voluntarily restored the Roman prisoners and standards taken at Carrhae (53 B.C.), a welcome tribute to the respect inspired by Augustus, and a happy augury for the future.
(iii.) In the case of augury and omens, on the other hand, that is not necessary.
The science of augury was contained in various written works, which were consulted as occasion arose: such were the libri augurum, a manual of augural ritual, and the commentarii augurum, a collection of decrees or answers given by the college to the senate in certain definite cases.
he hoped it was an augury
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Traduceri de augury

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