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Aflați cum se pronunță balmy

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Ortografia fonetică a balmy
Semnificații pentru balmy
It flashes back to the memories of the happy and contentment days.
Exemple de într-o propoziție
Weather bureau forecasts an early spring for Australia

North American roads suffer from dramatic thaws and freezes

A balmy Wednesday night jaunt, this week, to Borough for Arabica Bar & Kitchen
Roxanne's house was within walking distance and the night was balmy.
The balmy morning breeze drifting in from the small window was fragrant with the scents of the ocean and bread from the Sanctuary's kitchens.
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Trend pe HowToPronounce
- Renee [en]
- Denise [en]
- Elias [en]
- graniph [en]
- Mikhail [en]
- Ryan Yarbrough [en]
- Lorraine [en]
- Tristan Stubbs [en]
- Athiya Shetty [en]
- rene [en]
- Stubbs [en]
- Wayne [en]
- Michaela [en]
- Mohit Sharma [en]
- Duane [en]
Cuvântul zilei
Ultimul cuvânt observații
Martie 22, 2025
Recent vizualizate cuvinte
Martie 24, 2025