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Aflați cum se pronunță baptize

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Semnificații pentru baptize
baptize infants
Sinonime pentru baptize
Exemple de într-o propoziție
St. Anthony Foundation provides hope

For according to the Pontifical, the episcopate is the summum sacerdotium ; the bishop in consecration receives the sacerdotal grace ; it is his office to consecrate, ordain, offer, baptize, confirm.
The functions of the office are defined in the Ordinal - to assist the priest in divine service and specially when he ministereth the Holy Communion, to read Holy Scriptures and Homilies in the church, to instruct the youth in the catechism, to baptize in the absence of the priest, to preach if he
The main duties of the parish priest are to offer the sacrifice of the mass (q.v.), to hear confessions, to preach, to baptize and to administer extreme unction to the dying.
Center Stage: The Lee Boys will baptize Barter's new Tent Jams
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