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Aflați cum se pronunță benevolence


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Pronunție de benevolence cu 4 audio pronunții
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ipa : bɪˈnevələns bɪˈnevələns
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Ortografia fonetică a benevolence


Semnificații pentru benevolence

an inclination to do kind or charitable acts
disposition to do good

Sinonime pentru benevolence

Antonime pentru benevolence

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "benevolence" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

It need not, therefore, surprise us that the man who formulated the sum of virtue in justice and benevolence was unable to be just to his own kinsfolk and reserved his compassion largely for the brutes, and that the delineator of asceticism was more than moderately sensible of the comforts and enjoy
Adjacent to the town are the two Augustus Cleveland monuments, one erected by government, and the other by the Hindus, to the memory of the civilian, who, as collector of Bhagalpur at the end of the 18th century, by conciliation, confidence and benevolence, attempted and accomplished the entire sub
Gentleness, equanimity and benevolence were native to him.
It is obvious that all actions conducive to the general good will deserve our highest approbation if done from disinterested benevolence; but how if they are not so done ?
He had a benevolence of manner suited to the philanthropy of his mind.

Traduceri de benevolence

Cum se pronunță Berlin?

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