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Aflați cum se pronunță bogeyman


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Pronunție de bogeyman cu 2 audio pronunții
Ascultă bogeyman pronunția 1
76 opiniile
Ascultă bogeyman pronunția 2
75 opiniile
IPA și ortografie Fonetică
ipa : ˈbəʊgɪmæn
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Ortografia fonetică a bogeyman

boo g-ee-man

Semnificații pentru bogeyman

It is a type of mythical creature used by adults to scare children into good behavior that have no specific appearance and conceptions vary greatly by family and culture, but they are androgynous monsters that punish children for misbehavior.

Sinonime pentru bogeyman

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "bogeyman" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

​Same game for 150 years: British establishment v Russian bogeyman
You Shouldn’t Be Scared of the New Bogeyman in the Immigration Debate
Erik Heger and Roderick Hill Will Be Predator and Prey in Off-Broadway Drama Stalking the Bogeyman
Ascultă Erik Heger and Roderick Hill Will Be Predator and Prey in Off-Broadway Drama Stalking the Bogeyman pronunția
'Bogeyman' Draxler out to attract big clubs
Solving the bogeyman problem

Traduceri de bogeyman

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Antonime pentru bogeyman

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