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Aflați cum se pronunță bookish


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Pronunție de bookish cu 1 audio pronunții
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ipa : ˈbʊkɪʃ
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Semnificații pentru bookish

Bookish is an adjective term that means devoted to studying.

Sinonime pentru bookish

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "bookish" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

A bookish man with glasses, wearing a white lab coat, opened the door to the small house.
It is with Aristotle that the bookish tradition begins to dominate the evolution of logic. The technical perfection of the analysis which he offers is, granted the circle of presuppositions within which it works, so decisive, that what precedes, even Plato's logic, is not unnaturally regarded as mer
It would not be difficult to show that the reaction in the i 8th century against literary and class affectation - however editorial and bookish it was in the choice of subjects and forms - was in reality a re-expression of the old themes in the old ways, which had never been forgotten, even when Mid
Amazon vs. Hachette: Soul searching in techie, bookish Seattle
Amazon vs. Hachette fight leaves many techie, bookish residents conflicted

Traduceri de bookish

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