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Aflați cum se pronunță bridge over
bridge over

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He attacked the dominant Aristotelianism of the time, and endeavoured to construct a philosophy which should harmonize faith and knowledge, and bridge over the chasm made by the first Renaissance writers who followed Pomponazzi.
Cameroon to build 3rd bridge over the Wouri River
After a switchback, they crossed the bridge over a deep gorge, the location of Ouray's now-melted ice climbing park where David Dean had almost lost his life the prior winter.
Although it is true that there is a certain amount of gradation in the degree of development to which these organs have attained in the various orders, yet it is hardly sufficient to enable the imagination to bridge over the gap which separates Amphioxus from the lowest fishes in regard to this feat
At Chushul there is an iron chain-and-rope suspension bridge over the deepest part of the river, but it does not completely span the river, and it is too insecure for use.
Traduceri de bridge over
Italian :
ponte sul
Telugu :
వంతెన పైగా
Turkish :
üzerinde köprü
Tamil :
பாலம் மீது
Korean :
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