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Ortografia fonetică a cargoes
Exemple de într-o propoziție
Shipping Rates Seen Rallying as Vale Iron Ore Cargoes Accelerate
Ship Demand to Surge as Ore Cargoes Bust 1.3 Billion Tons
The common cockroach (Stilopyga orientalis) is not indigenous to Europe, but is believed to have been introduced from the Levant in the cargoes of trading vessels.
The American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is larger than the former, and is not uncommon in European seaports trading with America, being conveyed in cargoes of grain and other food produce.

..: the ships anchor at considerable risk in the roads, but the love of gain prevails: for the large number of lighters which receive the cargoes and reload them renders the time short before they can enter the river, and having lightened a part of their cargoes they sail in and ascend to Rome.
Traduceri de cargoes
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