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Aflați cum se pronunță carolinas

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Ortografia fonetică a carolinas
kar-uh-lahy-nuh; for 3 also Spanish kah-raw-lee-nah
Semnificații pentru carolinas
This is the name of two states situated in the United States.
Exemple de într-o propoziție
University of North Carolina student body president murdered

South Carolina governor resigns GOP post, explains disappearance

Hurricane Dorian strengthens to Category 5, makes landfall in the Bahamas

Virens, the live oak of the southern states; more or less abundant on the Atlantic coasts of the Carolinas and Florida, its true home is the country around the Mexican Gulf, where it rarely grows more than 50 or 60 m.
Thence it crossed into the Dutch settlements on the Hudson and the Delaware, and mingled with other elements in Virginia, Maryland and the Carolinas.
Adauga carolinas detalii
Antonime pentru carolinas
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