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Aflați cum se pronunță Cascade Range

Cascade Range

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Ortografia fonetică a Cascade Range

Cas-cade Range
cascade range

Semnificații pentru Cascade Range

A mountain range in North America, that has an elevation of about 4,392 m.

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Wiki conținut pentru Cascade Range

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Most of the large wildfires burning east of the Cascade Range in Oregon for the past two weeks were at or near containment Monday, but a new round of intense lighting storms was forecast later this week, particularly across the central part of the state
New photos show that Oregon's famous wandering wolf, OR-7, has at least three pups that he and a mate are raising in the Cascade Range of southern Oregon
An Oregon firefighter has died in a fall while on break from a wildfire in the southern Cascade Range
(AP) — New photos show that Oregon's famous wandering wolf, OR-7, has at least three pups that he and a mate are raising in the Cascade Range of southern Oregon
— An Oregon firefighter died in a fall while on a break from battling a wildfire in the southern Cascade Range, officials said

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