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Aflați cum se pronunță cirrhosis of the liver

cirrhosis of the liver

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Ortografia fonetică a cirrhosis of the liver

cir-rho-sis of the liver
cirrhosis of the liver
cir-rhosis of the liver

Semnificații pentru cirrhosis of the liver

a chronic disease interfering with the normal functioning of the liver; the major cause is chronic alcoholism

Sinonime pentru cirrhosis of the liver

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Thus it is laid down in large quantity in cirrhosis of the liver, kidney or lung, and reacts upon these organs by contracting and inducing atrophy.
Ascultă Thus it is laid down in large quantity in cirrhosis of the liver, kidney or lung, and reacts upon these organs by contracting and inducing atrophy. pronunția
I don't know whose bones were in the Lucky Pup Mine, but Josh Mulligan died in 1987 of cirrhosis of the liver from drinking too much.
Ascultă I don't know whose bones were in the Lucky Pup Mine, but Josh Mulligan died in 1987 of cirrhosis of the liver from drinking too much. pronunția

Traduceri de cirrhosis of the liver

Adauga cirrhosis of the liver detalii

Antonime pentru cirrhosis of the liver

Cum se pronunță precocious?

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