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Ortografia fonetică a commentators

kom-uh n-tey-ter

Semnificații pentru commentators

It is a plural noun term of commentator that means, a person who commentates on something.
Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "commentators" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

CNN hires three conservative commentators
Ascultă CNN hires three conservative commentators pronunția
Sports Media Misogyny: What Is Fans' Problem With Female Commentators?
Borne in a whirling chariot, and attended by the daughters of the sun, he reaches a temple sacred to an unnamed goddess (variously identified by the commentators with Nature, Wisdom or Themis), by whom the rest of the poem is spoken.
He has been given a fictitious importance by recent commentators, who have regarded him as the forerunner of the Alexandrian School of philosophy.
Practically it came to be the theological dicta of the church, explained according to the philosophy of Aristotle and his Arabian commentators.
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de commentators

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Sinonime pentru commentators
Antonime pentru commentators

Cum se pronunță vicarious?

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