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Aflați cum se pronunță comptroller


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Pronunție de comptroller cu 1 audio pronunții
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ipa : kəmˈtrəʊlə
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Ortografia fonetică a comptroller

kuh n-troh-ler; spelling pronunciation komp-troh-ler

Semnificații pentru comptroller

An accounting official who oversees the quality of all forms of financial and accounting procedures in a government or non--profiting organization.
An accounting official who oversees the quality of all forms of financial and accounting procedures in a government or non--profiting organization.

Sinonime pentru comptroller

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Three hundred letters to state comptroller; Community organizes to oppose ...
LICH bidder Trindade files a protest with state Comptroller
NYC comptroller hammers Homeless Services on lack of transparency
There is no provision for a general periodic assessment, but a state tax commissioner appointed by the governor, treasurer and comptroller assesses the corporations, and the county commissioners (in the counties) and the appeal tax court (in the city of Baltimore) revise valuations of real property
A board of estimate, composed of the mayor, the city solicitor, the comptroller, the president of the second branch of the city council, and the president of the board of public improvements, has control over appropriations, the council having power to decrease the amount of any item but not to enla
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Traduceri de comptroller

Trend știri despre comptroller

Comptroller to Send January Sales Tax Allocations to ...
Ascultă Comptroller to Send January Sales Tax Allocations to ... pronunția
EAST TEXAS – Area cities and counties will soon receive their January sales tax revenue disbursements from the state. In a press release dated Jan. 6, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar stated he..Vezi articolul
Messenger-News.com Messenger-News.com
Erie County Dems back Hardwick for comptroller but reject ...
Ascultă Erie County Dems back Hardwick for comptroller but reject ... pronunția
When Erie County Democrats gathered to bestow endorsements for countywide offices, their decisions proved most significant for those they refused to support.
Buffalo News Buffalo News
Comptroller Tom DiNapoli on Executive Budget & Fiscally ...
Ascultă Comptroller Tom DiNapoli on Executive Budget & Fiscally ... pronunția
We assume more will be forthcoming, what will be the number, and when will it arrive,” the comptroller told Capital Tonight. Earlier this week, Comptroller Tom DiNapoli’s office also issued..Vezi articolul
spectrumlocalnews.com spectrumlocalnews.com
Rosapepe Rules Out Comptroller Bid, Plans To Run For ...
Ascultă Rosapepe Rules Out Comptroller Bid, Plans To Run For ... pronunția
Sen. James C. Rosapepe (D-Prince George’s and Anne Arundel counties) doesn’t plan on running for comptroller in 2022, he told Maryland Matters Wednesday. Rosapepe’s legislative resume led so..Vezi articolul
marylandmatters marylandmatters
173rd Comptroller Flight raises funds for local food bank ...
Ascultă 173rd Comptroller Flight raises funds for local food bank ... pronunția
Airmen from the 173rd Fighter Wing Comptroller Flight pose with Niki Sampson, director of the Klamath County Food Bank, for a group photo at Kingsley Field in Klamath Falls, Oregon February..Vezi articolul
AF.mil AF.mil
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jaa - nay gu - dl
jaat - nay rgu - dlr
jttaa - naoy guu - dlrk
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