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Pronunție de concealing cu 1 audio pronunții
Ascultă concealing pronunția 1
16 opiniile
IPA și ortografie Fonetică
ipa : kənˈsiːlɪŋ
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Ortografia fonetică a concealing

kuh n-seel

Semnificații pentru concealing

the activity of keeping something secret

Sinonime pentru concealing

Antonime pentru concealing

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Most recent Montgomery County indictments include bigamy, concealing fetus ...
Among those of New Haven are the prohibition of trial by jury, the infliction of the death penalty for adultery, and of the same penalty for conspiracy against the jurisdiction, the strict observance of the Sabbath enjoined, and heavy fines for concealing or entertaining Quaker or other blasphemou
At the head of Jamestown peninsula Cornwallis, in July 1781, attempted to trick the Americans under Lafayette and General Anthony Wayne by displaying a few men on the peninsula and concealing the principal part of his army on the mainland; but when Wayne discovered the trap he made first a vigorous
These last have coarse bristly hair of a purplish-brown colour with light markings, very large head-tufts, almost concealing the minute antlers, of which the pedicles do not extend as ribs down the face.
R5), and here, concealing his disgrace by a fictitious story, he also obtained bread from the consecrated table and the sword of Goliath (chap. xxi.

Traduceri de concealing

Care este pronunția exactă a numelui Debbie harry?

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