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Aflați cum se pronunță concisely


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Pronunție de concisely cu 4 audio pronunții
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Ascultă concisely pronunția 2
34 opiniile
Ascultă concisely pronunția 3
34 opiniile
Ascultă concisely pronunția 4
-1 evaluare
IPA și ortografie Fonetică
ipa : kənˈsaɪslɪ
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

The arrangement down to this point is far from strict, and beyond it is almost impossible to describe concisely, though there is still a rough grouping of characters according to resemblance of form, nature or meaning.
Authors are asked to write as concisely as possible and to avoid lengthy footnotes.
This Microsoft Office course concisely lays out real-world use cases so that any neophyte can master the basics
Ascultă This Microsoft Office course concisely lays out real-world use cases so that any neophyte can master the basics pronunția

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This Microsoft Office course concisely lays out real-world use cases so that any neophyte can master the basics
Ascultă This Microsoft Office course concisely lays out real-world use cases so that any neophyte can master the basics pronunția
Chances are you’ve had to use a Microsoft Office program at work or at home. And if you’ve felt like you were fumbling in the dark, there’s hope for you yet. The Complete 2020 Microsoft Offi..Vezi articolul

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Antonime pentru concisely

Cum se pronunță Rita moreno?

reetuh maw-ray-noh
ree-tuh maw-raynoh
ree-tuh maw-ray-noh
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