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Aflați cum se pronunță contented

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Ortografia fonetică a contented
Semnificații pentru contented
It is a term that belongs to the category of an adjective, which means to be satisfied.
Sinonime pentru contented
Exemple de într-o propoziție
He paused and said a silent prayer for the spirit of this person who had brought so much grief to Bird Song and his previously contented life.
But when Pompey refused reparation Phraates recognized that he was too weak to begin the struggle with Rome, and contented himself with forming an alliance with Tigranes, in hopes that the future would bring an opportunity for his revenge (Dio Cass.
Had he contented himself with the sovereignty of Amhara and Tigre, he might have maintained his position; but he was led to exhaust his strength against the Wollo Gallas, which was probably one of the chief causes of his ruin.
Now the penalty had been paid, and the Babylonians, whose policy was less destructive than that of Assyria, contented themselves with appointing as governor a certain Gedaliah.
By the Treaty of Corbeil, with Louis IX., signed the r rth of May 1258, he frankly withdrew from conflict with the French king, and contented himself with the recognition of his position, and the surrender of antiquated French claims to the overlordship of Catalonia.
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