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Semnificații pentru conterminous

It is referred to as sharing the same domain, context, or meaning.

Sinonime pentru conterminous

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

The sum of two such lines (formed by adding together the real and the imaginary parts of two such expressions) can, of course, be expressed as a third directed line) - the diagonal of the parallelogram of which they are conterminous sides.
The Coal Measures repose upon the Millstone Grit; the largest area of these rocks lies on the east, where they are conterminous with the coalfields of Yorkshire and Nottingham.
The Coal Measures repose upon the Millstone Grit; the largest area of these rocks lieson the east, where they are conterminous with the coalfields of Yorkshire and Nottingham.
Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Iran or Persia, Armenia and the provinces of Asia Minor occupy this high region, with which they are nearly conterminous.
The conterminous states were Corinth, Argos, Troezen and Hermione.

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