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Aflați cum se pronunță contorted


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Ortografia fonetică a contorted

kuh n-tawr-tid

Semnificații pentru contorted

This word means that the shape of an object is unusual or abnormal after applying some force.

Sinonime pentru contorted

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "contorted" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Tropical flora disappears, and in the semi-desert plains the fleshy, leafless, contorted species of kapsias, mesembryanthemums, aloes and other succulent plants make their appearance.
These become brown, finally blackish and greatly contorted until a large scab is formed on the developing tuber, whence the name by which the disease is known - black scab.
The foliation is often parallel to the bedding, but may cross it obliquely or at right angles; or the bedding may be folded and contorted while the foliation maintains a nearly uniform orientation.
The lions sit dazed in the shade of their damaged pen, while nearby the decayed carcases of two vervet monkeys lie contorted on the grass of a Gaza zoo
Mmmmm, this contorted, leaping volley from outside the box by Swansea City's Wayne Routledge is just delicious

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