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Aflați cum se pronunță copy

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Ortografia fonetică a copy
Semnificații pentru copy
It is a noun that denotes something identical to each other.
copy down as is
reproduce someones behavior or looks
biology: reproduce or make an exact copy of
make a replica of
Sinonime pentru copy
Wiki conținut pentru copy
Exemple de într-o propoziție
Copy of handbook for leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints obtained by Wikinews

March against new French copyright law

Polish exercise book advertisement copies Wikipedia content, violates copyright

German Wikipedia DVD sells out first 10,000-copy run

French National assembly to approve copyright bill

Traduceri de copy
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Trend știri despre copy
ProxyToken Authentication Bypass Flaw Allows Hackers To Copy Victims’ Emails on Vulnerable Microsoft Exchange Servers

Hackers could exploit ProxyToken authentication bypass vulnerability to steal victims’ emails and personally identifiable information from vulnerable Microsoft Exchange servers.
CPO Magazine
36 Degrees North business incubator program off to a busy start (copy)

The program, which focuses on tech and tech-enabled startups, will officially launch out of the City Hall building on Tuesday.
Tulsa World
The future of Husker football recruiting just might be the transfer portal (copy)

In the midst of multi-class disappointments in recruiting and developing high school players, a nice little Husker success story has emerged: Nebraska has done well with the transfer portal.
Norcross family buys copy of Declaration of Independence valued at $4.4M

Document printed in 1824 will be displayed at Independence National Historic Park in Philadelphia and Cooper University Hospital, Camden
Courier Post on MSN.com
Bandai Namco Will Send You A Free Digital Copy Of Tales Of Arise If Your Collector’s Edition Doesn’t Arrive On Time

According to an email sent to a customer, Bandai Namco will provide you with a digital copy of Tales Of Arise if your Collector's Edition arrives late.
Play Station Universe
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Ultimul cuvânt observații
Martie 22, 2025
Recent vizualizate cuvinte
Martie 24, 2025