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Aflați cum se pronunță countryman


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Pronunție de countryman cu 1 audio pronunții
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ipa : ˈkʌntrɪmən
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Semnificații pentru countryman

It is a compact car model that is released by the automobile manufacturing company mini.

Sinonime pentru countryman

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Wiki conținut pentru countryman

Countryman - Countryman may refer to:
Countryman (album) - Countryman is the fifty-third studio album by Willie Nelson. Ten years in the making since 1995, Nelson's first ever reggae album merges the gospel and spirit found in both country and reggae
Countryman (magazine) - Countryman magazine was founded in 1927 by J. W. Robertson Scott, who edited it from his office in Idbury in rural Oxfordshire for the first 21 years.
Countryman (film) - Countryman (1982) is an action/adventure film directed by Dickie Jobson. It tells the story of a Jamaican fisherman whose solitude is shattered when he rescues two Americans from the wreckage
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

In fact the pasha was an illiterate barbarian, of the same type as his countryman Ali of Iannina, courageous, cruel, astute, full of wiles, avaricious and boundlessly ambitious.
Crossing the Alps, Boniface visited Bavaria and Thuringia, but upon hearing of the death of Radbod he hurried again to Frisia, where, under the direction of his countryman Willibrord (d.
Now and then the old passions broke out: in September 1898 an absurd attempt to assassinate President Diaz was made by a countryman named Arroyo, but discontent with Diaz's rule was apparently confined to a small minority.'

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