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Pronunție de craze cu 7 audio pronunții
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ipa : kreɪz
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Ortografia fonetică a craze


Semnificații pentru craze

cause to go crazy; cause to lose ones mind
develop a fine network of cracks
state of violent mental agitation
new craze
dance craze
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Sinonime pentru craze

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Wiki conținut pentru craze

Exemple de într-o propoziție

In Victorian England a Tattooing Craze Developed Among Elite Society, Here's Why
Social media root of millennial plant craze
Vegan sneakers set to be next sustainable plant-based craze in 2020
Vegan Sneakers Set To Be Next Plant-Based Craze In 2020
Bitcoin craze helped scam ‘investors’
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de craze

Trend știri despre craze

Vegan sneakers could be next sustainable plant-based craze in 2020
Eco-friendly meatless food products shook up the fast food industry in 2019. Experts say next year’s game-changing trend in sustainable consumer goods may be plant-based — or “vegan” — athle..Vezi articolul
Vegan sneakers set to be next sustainable plant-based craze in 2020
Eco-friendly meatless food products shook up the fast food industry in 2019. Experts say next year's game-changing trend in sustainable consumer goods may be plant-based -- or "vegan" -- ath..Vezi articolul
Vegan Sneakers Set To Be Next Plant-Based Craze In 2020
(CNN) — Eco-friendly meatless food products shook up the fast-food industry in 2019. Experts say next year’s game-changing trend in sustainable consumer goods may be plant-based — or “vegan”..Vezi articolul
CBS Boston / WBZ CBS Boston / WBZ
Bitcoin craze helped scam ‘investors’
Had he pulled off the elusive Pan-African dream, Isaac Mwenda Muthui would likely have caused Jomo Kenyatta, Nelson Mandela and Muhammad Gaddafi to turn in their graves. Africa’s founding fa..Vezi articolul
The Standard Digital The Standard Digital
"Goat Grams" are a new Christmas craze
The Silly Goose Farmstead is helping people send a goat with a note to their loved ones this holiday season! TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) — Many eager gift givers are looking for an unconvention..Vezi articolul
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