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Aflați cum se pronunță cumbersome


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Ortografia fonetică a cumbersome


Semnificații pentru cumbersome

Something that is required to take a lot of efforts and is difficult to manage.
Something that is required to take a lot of effort and is difficult to manage.

Sinonime pentru cumbersome

Antonime pentru cumbersome

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "cumbersome" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

He glanced back once more at the void beyond the ledge and then looped the line around his body and stomped the few feet toward the cliff, trying to step without tripping in the cumbersome and unfamiliar foot wear.
The large lockers were cumbersome and heavy.
Thus, behind the screen of the normal shares a number of small tenancies arise which run their economic concerns independently from the cumbersome arrangements of tenure and service, and, needless to add, all these tenancies are burdened with money rents.
Heather's cumbersome curly hair is even worse during winter days.

Traduceri de cumbersome

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