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ipa : dɪˈθrəʊnmənt
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Ortografia fonetică a dethronement


Semnificații pentru dethronement

Dethronement is the act of removing a powerful person from a position or office.

Sinonime pentru dethronement

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Henry Stafford, 2nd duke of Buckingham, resided a good deal at the castle, and Morton, bishop of Ely, whose custody as a prisoner was entrusted to him, plotted with him there for the dethronement of Richard III., for which Stafford was executed in 1483.
In his account, however, of the quarrel between Casimir and Olesnicki concerning the question of priority between the cardinal and the primate of Poland he warmly embraced the cause of the former, and even pronounced Casimir worthy of dethronement.

Traduceri de dethronement

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Antonime pentru dethronement

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