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Aflați cum se pronunță diffraction


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Pronunție de diffraction cu 2 audio pronunții
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Semnificații pentru diffraction

The meaning of this word refers to a sharp-edged light.
The meaning of this word refers to a sharp-edged light.

Sinonime pentru diffraction

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "diffraction" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

The Diffraction Limits in Optical Microscopy
In observing the bands he received them at first upon a screen of finely ground glass, upon which a magnifying lens was focused; but it soon appeared that the ground glass could be dispensed with, the diffraction pattern being viewed in the same way as the image formed by the object-glass of a teles
I am analyzing synchrotron X-ray diffraction patterns and to work out the diffractometer constants I refined a silicon pattern.
X-ray diffraction data by means of the direct methods.
If the angular interval between the components of a double star were equal to twice that expressed in equation (15) above, the central disks of the diffraction patterns would be just in contact.

Traduceri de diffraction

Adauga diffraction detalii

Antonime pentru diffraction

Cum se pronunță James franco?

jay-mz frang-kow
jaymz frang-kow
jaymz fra-ng-kow
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