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Aflați cum se pronunță draft horse
draft horse

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Ortografia fonetică a draft horse
draft horse
Semnificații pentru draft horse
It is a term that belongs to the category of noun, which means a horse used to do labor like plowing.
Exemple de într-o propoziție
Entry numbers up at OHW Draft Horse Show
A blind draft horse will live to see retirement, thanks to surgeons at the University of Pennsylvania’s new Bolton center in Kennett square
SCHEDULE | AAA Day, National Belgian Draft Horse Show at the Indiana State Fair
With 44 points, the draft horse show was among the highest "weighted" events that the town supports
Gail Hembry walks his horses into the Livestock Arena during the draft horse pull competition at the 2011 Nebraska State Fair
Traduceri de draft horse
Telugu :
డ్రాఫ్ట్ గుర్రం
Italian :
progetto di cavallo
Tamil :
வரைவு குதிரை
Hindi :
मसौदा घोड़ा
Korean :
초안 말
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