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Aflați cum se pronunță drooping

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Ortografia fonetică a drooping
Semnificații pentru drooping
Drooping is an adjective term that means to bend.
Sinonime pentru drooping
Exemple de într-o propoziție
The Snowdrop. Early spring-flowering amaryllidaceous bulbs, with pretty drooping flowers, snow-white, having the tips of the enclosed petals green.
Flowers in drooping, pale yellow catkins to 6cm long on the bare twigs.
They do well in light, well-drained soils, and have a close family resemblance, the inflorescence being a panicle of white, drooping, tulip-shaped flowers, and the foliage rosulate, sword-shaped and spear-pointed.
It is about the size of an ordinary apple tree, with small leaves like the willow, and a drooping habit like a weeping birch, and has an edible fruit like a yellow plum called mangaba, for which, rather than for the rubber, the tree is cultivated in some districts.
Cyclamineus is a pretty dwarf subspecies, native of Portugal, with narrow linear leaves and drooping flowers with reflexed lemon-yellow segments and an orange-yellow corona N.
Traduceri de drooping
French :
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Korean :
Spanish :
la caída de
Adauga drooping detalii
Antonime pentru drooping
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Martie 26, 2025