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Aflați cum se pronunță elan vital

elan vital

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Pronunție de elan vital cu 4 audio pronunții
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Ortografia fonetică a elan vital

elan vital
elan vi-tal

Semnificații pentru elan vital

(biology) a hypothetical force (not physical or chemical) once thought by Henri Bergson to cause the evolution and development of organisms

Sinonime pentru elan vital

Wiki conținut pentru elan vital

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Listening Post: Blondie/Elan Vital/Stone Foundation/Chainsmokers
Ascultă Listening Post: Blondie/Elan Vital/Stone Foundation/Chainsmokers pronunția
Hulga’s Elan Vital:Out of the Loft
Ascultă Hulga’s Elan Vital:Out of the Loft pronunția
2014 Brodie Elan Vital
Ascultă 2014 Brodie Elan Vital pronunția
WHY do I glow with elan vital or vital energy today? The reason is because I now stride across the pathway of healing colors

Traduceri de elan vital

Trend știri despre elan vital

Listening Post: Blondie/Elan Vital/Stone Foundation/Chainsmokers
Ascultă Listening Post: Blondie/Elan Vital/Stone Foundation/Chainsmokers pronunția
Debut album from New York electronic-pop duo. There is no denying that this is absolute mass-market music. While it would be draconian to call this 43 minutes of appalling songwriting, it is..Vezi articolul
Stuff.co.nz Stuff.co.nz
Hulga’s Elan Vital:Out of the Loft
Ascultă Hulga’s Elan Vital:Out of the Loft pronunția
Hulga’s adaptability to the adversities of her life, as “Good Country People” by Flannery O’Connor illustrates them, demonstrates her strength of character to defy her own destruction. Kathl..Vezi articolul
Writing Writing
2014 Brodie Elan Vital
Ascultă 2014 Brodie Elan Vital pronunția
We’re selling my wife’s beautiful and classy Brodie Elan Vital touring bike. It is in amazing condition with very low miles – approximately 500km’s, if that. The British Racing Green frame i..Vezi articolul
Pinkbike Pinkbike

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