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Aflați cum se pronunță elbow joint
elbow joint

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Ortografia fonetică a elbow joint
el-bow joint
elbow joint
Semnificații pentru elbow joint
This is the joint in the arm that connects the distal humerus and the proximal ulna.
Sinonime pentru elbow joint
Exemple de într-o propoziție
In most birds the tendon is split into several portions, one of which is often attached to the outer side of the ulna, below the elbow joint, while others are in variable but characteristic ways connected with similar slips of the propatagialis longus.
Traduceri de elbow joint
French :
l'articulation du coude
Telugu :
మోచేయి ఉమ్మడి
Chinese :
Tamil :
முழங்கை மூட்டு
Turkish :
dirsek eklemi
Adauga elbow joint detalii
Antonime pentru elbow joint
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Trend pe HowToPronounce
- Samantha [en]
- Thomas Woldbye [en]
- Mejia [en]
- Kylie minogue [en]
- Kiara [en]
- Roy keane [en]
- Tricia [en]
- Dan Burn [en]
- Haynes [en]
- Thomas Tuchel [en]
- Ian Wright [en]
- Rochelle [en]
- Maldonado [en]
- Reid [en]
- Armando Broja [en]
Cuvântul zilei
Ultimul cuvânt observații
Martie 20, 2025
Recent vizualizate cuvinte
Martie 21, 2025