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Aflați cum se pronunță emotional state
emotional state

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Ortografia fonetică a emotional state
e-mo-tional s-tate
e-mo-tional state
Semnificații pentru emotional state
the state of a persons emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection)
Exemple de într-o propoziție
​Nick Cannon Insists He Left Mariah, Concerned For Her Emotional State
( RIKEN ) Researchers from the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics revealed the brain pathway that links external events to the internal emotional state, forming one memory by engaging different brain areas
his emotional state depended on her opinion
he was in good spirits
his spirit rose
Traduceri de emotional state
Tamil :
உணர்ச்சி மாநில
Hindi :
भावनात्मक राज्य
Italian :
stato emotivo
Russian :
эмоциональное состояние
Indonesian :
keadaan emosional
Adauga emotional state detalii
Antonime pentru emotional state
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Ultimul cuvânt observații
Martie 08, 2025
Recent vizualizate cuvinte
Martie 10, 2025