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Aflați cum se pronunță extermination

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Ortografia fonetică a extermination
Semnificații pentru extermination
Extermination is a noun that refers to the killing of a large number of people or animals.
Sinonime pentru extermination
Exemple de într-o propoziție
'The Strain': Extermination is on tap in 'It's not for everybody'
The glacial period effected in Europe a wholesale extermination of temperate types accompanied by a southern extension of the arctic flora.
Instantly the movement was diverted from its original object, and the peasants and their leaders began a war of extermination against the landlords.
The revocation of the edict of Nantes in 1685 began a new period of persecution, which aimed at entire extermination.
It is hunted chiefly for the sake of the ivory of its immense tusks, of which it yields the principal source of supply to the European market, and the desire to obtain which is rapidly leading to the extermination of the species.
Traduceri de extermination
Korean :
Portuguese :
Arabic :
Italian :
Turkish :
Adauga extermination detalii
Antonime pentru extermination
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