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Aflați cum se pronunță externally

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Ortografia fonetică a externally
Semnificații pentru externally
It refers to the outside of a person, thing, or place.
Sinonime pentru externally
Exemple de într-o propoziție
"The idea that an externally imposed practice regime can and will lead to expertise seems to be wrong," said study researcher Miriam Mosey, a

In the metabolic Hexapoda the resting pupal instar shows externally the wings and other characteristic imaginal organs which have been gradually elaborated beneath the larval cuticle.
This cellular layer is called the hypodermis; it is protected externally by a cuticle, a layer of matter it itself excretes, or in the excretion of which it plays, at any rate, an important part.
The history of Venice during the next two hundred years is marked externally by the growth of the city, thanks to an ever-expanding trade, both down the Adriatic, which brought the republic into collision with the Dalmatian pirates and led to their final conquest, in 1000, by the doge Pietro Orseolo
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Ultimul cuvânt observații
Martie 29, 2025
Recent vizualizate cuvinte
Martie 31, 2025